
Steve with orange hair [CC-BY-SA Steve Cook]

Ste Cook is a teaching fellow, plant enthusiast and Perl mis-user. Through a combination of youthful foolishness and adult inertia, he appears on the internet as an obsolete genus of fairy aprons.

He finds it awkward to write about himself in the third-person.

Unless otherwise noted, all the stuff on this site is CC-BY-SA: you can share, copy, reuse or adapt the text and images on this site – even for commercial purposes – providing you give credit (‘by’ Steve Cook, or Polypompholyx, and/or link to this site – take your pick), and as long as derivative works you create and distribute using the material on this site are also released under the same CC-BY-SA licence (‘share-alike’).

(Avatar, favicon, etc., based on Utricularia (Polypompholyx) mutifida CC-BY-SA-2.0 Ilena Gecan)


    • Rajesh on 2012-10-03 at 07:00
    • Reply

    Hi Steve,

    Years ago, I got acquainted with perl using your tutorial available at “steve.gb.com/perl”. I see that it is no longer available either at your new site or the old one.

    I wanted to point some fresh grads in my team to your perl tutorial and get them started. Is there a way that I access that content?

    Your tutorial was(is) way too good compared to other ones available (for free) on the web and request you to get them online once again for everyone’s benefit.

    Thanks in advance,

  1. I’ve been considering this for a while. The problem is that it’s dead out of date, especially the stuff about objects (I might recommend Moose or some other framework these days, rather than hand-rolling them), so I’d need to go through each tutorial in turn and update it before publishing, as I wouldn’t want to put my name to something that’s become misleading through being 5 years behind the times. If I have time this term, I will spruce them up and republish them, but it’s quite a big if!

  2. OK, this is going to be a slow process, but I’ve started porting and updating the Perl tutorial materials now. Can’t say when I’ll have time to finish it, but hope this is of some help…

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